Sunday, May 31, 2009

Where To Find Edible Rice Paper In Calgary

Note .....

Scorpio: With Mars and Mercury opposite those who love you will have to deal better: watching patiently listen for hours at night while you're in the grip of your collection of delusions; agree with the spirit of the holy steps of sudden silence, avoid at the traffic light, someone who hurled the late departure, serve the hot broths and chamomile, even swallow some manifestation of pure evil. In love are not admirable tragedies profane with screaming, crying, low blows. Better the 2nd decade, for which the robust sextile Saturn secure the bolts in the brain.
[Horoscope Marco Scales]

............ series warned XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Friday, May 8, 2009

Snowboard Films On Itunes

too pretty! Video of the month XD

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Western And Southern Lifescam


"I would like to take a trip to Disneyland, but it costs too much"
(99% of Italians)
Here then
May 23, 2005, at the 50th anniversary of the Disney parks, is released the public beta of the "Virtual Magic Kingdom .
In practice consisted of a beautiful virtual reproduction of the entire Magic Kingdom, and allowed to create its own user virtual walk around inside, with the opportunity to converse with other users online and participate in mini-games (individual or team), community activities and events. The completion of these "games" allow users to earn credits.

As part of the campaign "Happiest Celebration on Earth ," and conceived as part of this program to run, was in fact a great success, much to stay open longer than expected. However closed its doors May 21, 2008, generating outrage among the "virtual people", which reached even to the creation of petitions and collected signatures, and situations in a protest because " the VMK is not just a game, but it is a community. Our real life is within the VMK .

Unfortunately I never got to personally test the VMK, and I say this with great regret. I hope that in future, and I hope before the centenary of the Disney parks, has returned from a similar project ..

In anticipation of what I leave you with a video that reminds of the above, showing the affection of many people who still hope for its welcome (and unfortunately unlikely) return!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Undercooked Deer Meat

Behind the scenes of Mirage!

An interesting video recently published by takes us behind the scenes Park Miragica of Molfetta, about a month after its opening! Enjoy!

How To Rejuvinate Outdoor Furniture

Did you know that ...

... this is pretty big face of Terminator (or maybe was) in "display" inside the laboratories of spectacular " Movieland." Ok, maybe the more experienced knew .. that perhaps only the real experts know is that it is in fact a realization of "foreign" to the park, created by an outside firm, namely the IMA Firenzuola (FI).

Inside the lab realize their full makeup effects, animatronics, anatomical reproductions, models, sets, costumes and mascots. For Board of amusement parks. Among the customers are definitely
Movieland, with achievements on "Terminator", the "Horror House" and the reproduction of the old DeLorean of Back to the Future at this park until 2005 (before it was further amended in 2006).
Judging from the sample images, probably other Italian parks, including Big Ben and Wonderland, have benefited from the efforts of the IMA, but unfortunately I do not have reliable data to confirm it on the website there is a list of customers ..

I leave with a video that demonstrates the professionalism of the company, and reveals a few brief moments of realization of some parts of "Terminator" in Movieland! Enjoy!
