Friday, May 16, 2008

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I Cesaroni 3: Advances and other characters I Cesaroni

After the great success and continues the great, the protagonists of 'I Cesaroni' are back on the set for filming the third series, which promises many surprises. But the news does not end here, because Mark and Eve will also star in a film that echoed the story of Italy's most loved family, their love will always better, louder, more 'ambiguous'. The story of two boys of the TV series, in fact, end up on the big screen, the screenplay will be ready in a month ... and take.
The third series will see the entrance of a new character who will become very important. In the life of his uncle, in fact, Caesar Matilde happen, more or less the same age as Mimmo, the youngest child of the family, and somehow upset the whole family. Mark continues to live a troubled love with Eva and new complications in sight for the couple will handle the family. Continue to work great I Cesaroni, therefore, making the phenomenon of Italian television. In the past there was already the case of 'Doctor Who', record plays but produced national-popular fairy tones typical of the traditional 'family heart'.

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also become a board game

A Box containing the game plan, the base and the card will be available on newsstands from Monday, March 10 with "Smiles & TV Songs," the weekly directed by Umberto Brindani. At a price of 7.90 euro, fans of the history of the Roman family can have fun twists and decisions, fully identifying with the characters. In addition, completion of the game, will also sell the bags and those with extra cards to collect, which is coupled with a competition.

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What I do not know me, Eva and Mark's "trust"

Cesaroni The world is increasingly spanning multiple industries. After dearly won the TV schedule, the home video market with DVDs and CDs as well as music with some already published and one forthcoming release, the family's craziest Italy invades even the libraries! And 'in fact the recent news that the publisher Sperling & Kupfer has published a journal (in particular to Eva and Mark's) written by the same writers of fiction. The book (titled "What I do not know me") was released on January 29 and will also be promoted through a special initiative very welcome: a tour of some of the most important libraries with Alessandra Mastronardi Matteo Branciamore and special guests. The book will present the form of a diary (specifically those of Mark and Eva) the summer adventures of two boys and their tormented love.

Here is a link to the official website of the publisher: . From this site you can order a copy of the book (if you can not find it in bookstores in your town!) With a small surcharge (2.90 €) for shipping. Soon it will be available the full review! It 'also available online by Friday, February 15 Eva and Mark's blog. You can find it at . It 'a new initiative promoted by Sperling & Kupfer which aims to "bring forward" the work begun by the diary, or expose the thoughts of Mark and Eve in parallel with the adventures of fiction.

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Words, the new cd

E 'published a few days, "New words" first CD Branciamore. This is a record that includes most of the songs that the actor has played the role of Marco in the second series of dramas and two new songs. The authors of the songs are Andrea Guerra and Vittorio Cosma, who composed nearly all those of fiction, including another cd instead, that the soundtrack.
War has created more than 60 soundtracks, collaborating with a number of directors between Ferzan Ozpetek , Gabriele Muccino , Roberta Torre and wrote songs for Giorgio, Antonello Venditti , Skin. Vittorio Cosma, author and producer, worked for years with artists such as Ivano Fossati , Pino Daniele, Fabrizio De Andrè , Mauro Pagani. Among other things Branciamore, participated, together with the other actress de "I Cesaroni " Alessandra Mastronardi , the video Hands, "Are you okay how are you", awarded Videoclip 2007.
below, read the interview with the Branciamore Forum fiction, and one on TvBlog . Needless to say, his fan club is filled.

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Matteo I Cesaroni, "Debut" at the cinema I

From small to big screen for the jump and I Cesaroni 'ready. On May 15 the successful series of TV Channel 5 arrives at the same time in twelve cinemas with three special - one of 85 minutes devoted to the history between Mark and Eve - and the live participation at the Adriano Cinema in Rome, the cast: from Claudio Amendola with Elena Sofia Ricci, by Antonello Fassari Max Tortora.
Exclusively for the special, Matthew Branciamore (Mark) and Alessandra Mastronardi (Eva) have also shot the new scenes, which are involved in the story and talk in their history. The other two special, for a total of about 40 minutes, will offer the "best of ..." and "Cesaroni laughter." In addition, in late 2008, immediately after the last take, de I Cesaroni 3, should start shooting the film on the romance between Mark and Eve.

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Cesaroni 3: Arriva Chiara Gensini

"I will forget to Eva Marco"
not yet completed the second series of I Cesaroni already been announced for the new Channel 5 drama, as a newcomer in the cast and the life of the Roman family. E 'Chiara Gensini that passes by the character of Daiana of Capri, who is going to forget his beloved Eva Marco Cesaroni. ''I'm terrified - I smiled and told the 26 year old actress Songs Italian-Greek ".
" I hope not to be overwhelmed by the success that the series is having. I am a dodge.'' Meanwhile, Marco and Eva (nee Alessandra Mastronardi, 22, and Matthew Branciamore, 26) will be involved in a charity evening Thursday, May 15 at the Adriano Cinema in Rome will be shown when their story told with excerpts of I Cesaroni, even with new scenes.
The film will also be broadcast in 10 other Italian theaters: Ariston (Sanremo), Arcadia (Melzo, MI), Arcadia (Bellinzago, MI), Giometti (Rimini), Giometti (Ancona), Cinecity (Limerick, PD), Torrevillage ( Torrecuso, BN), Cineland (Ostia, Rome) Bicocca (Milan), Raphael (Modena).

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Welcome to the new Blog de "I Cesaroni"

I give you welcome everyone to the new blog is not official mititco show that is dominating the Italian television: "I Cesaroni". Unfortunately, the show is finished by a week yesterday, but there was the first part of the episode recap of the most beautiful scenes. All will definitely next Thursday, with the second part of the episode. I greet you again, and I hope you enjoy browsing the blog. Thanks, admin michael.ll!